Friday, February 11, 2011

Freaky Friday

The media I chose to look at was Freaky Friday. In this movie, mom, Tess Colemen, switches places with daughter, Anna Colemen, and they overcome their differences by finally understanding why teenagers and parents act the way they do by seeing what each other has to go through on a day to day basis.

One of the first ways that teenager Anna is portrayed, is as disrespectful. This is evident when Anna comes home from school after getting many detentions during the day; and it is hard for her mom to understand why. Her mom sees it as Anna going to classes late, talking back to her teachers, or disrupting class. But when Tess is at school taking the classes that Anna usually does, she finds that it is not very hard to get detention when she receives one herself. Another great example of Anna being disrespectful is when Tessa asks Anna to turn her music down. But instead of turning down the music Anna turns the music up even louder. Tess didn’t understand the reasoning behind all the noise but really all she was trying to do was practice for a gig that she had coming up in a few weeks.

Next, Tessa finds Anna to be annoying, loud and childish when it comes to her band. Since Anna and her mother have two different views on what is “good” music, it is hard for her mother to enjoy what Anna is playing. So the movie shows Anna as being annoying. There is even a scene in the movie where everyone in the house has a hard time hearing each other talk because the music is so loud. But really Tess just doesn’t understand that music is Anna’s passion and it is what she is talented at.
Last, Teenagers are viewed as rebellious and irresponsible. One example of Anna being rebellious is when Anna is in her mom’s body and she has free run of the credit card. Even though she knows that what she is doing is wrong, she does it anyway. Here Anna cuts her mom’s hair off, and she gets her mom’s ear pierced when she knows that her mom is getting married later that week.
Next, an example of teenagers being irresponsible is when Anna wants to get on the back of a motorcycle with a guy that she likes. In a parent’s point of view, they see motorcycles as dangerous and for the “bad” boys, so not many parents want their children hanging out the wrong crowd and being irresponsible. But after Tessa is stuck in a situation where she is in dire need of a ride she catches a ride on the back of his motorcycle, and she realizes that Anna’s crush is actually a kind, responsible student. The last example that I have of teenagers being portrayed as irresponsible is when Tessa never lets Anna drive. Having a drivers permit, it allows you to drive with a parent so they can practice until they are ready to drive on their own. But for an adolescent to be prepared to drive on their own they need to PRACTICE. But this is not how it works for Anna. Tess thinks that Anna is irresponsible and is not ready to be in control of a car so she never gives her the chance to practice.

Throughout this move, teenagers are portrayed as rebellious, irresponsible, disruptive, etc. But in reality it tends to just be a big misunderstanding. In the end of the movie, mom, Tessa, and teenager, Anna were able to see where each other were coming from when they had differences. They just needed to take a day to walk in each other’s shoes to see that when Tess was an adolescent times were different and things have changed to now when her daughter Anna is an adolescent.

I thought that this movie also directly relates to the first reading that we had to do. The quote from Raby that really stuck out to me is "Adults know and understand children and teenagers much better than young people know and understand themselves.” And through out the movie Freaky Friday we see that Tess doesn't understand Anna at all until Tess actually lived a day as Anna.
Another thing that I thought that this movie related to was our Kearney reading. In the Kearney reading it talks about how years ago girls were expected to be the media consumers but as things changed, today girls are more media producers than media consumers and in Freaky Friday, the two main characters are girls which goes to prove that the roll of girls has changed over the years.
Freaky Friday. Dir. Mark Waters. Perf. Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan, and Mark
Harmon. 2003. DVD.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would have to provide a different side to one of your last comments about how women have changed from being the media consumers. Though the movie is centered around two women, which is in fact a new aspect to be considered then what the article was talking about, I still believe many consumers are women. I don't think men are the ones exactly rushing to watch a film like this, at least when comparing the ratio to how many girls probably have seen it. On the other hand, I do believe the overall number of men being consumers has increased from that time. Also I think this film is a really good example of the Raby excerpt that you pointed out.

  3. I agree that teenagers are often rebellious and irresponsible. I have first hand knowledge on this, my brother is a young teen, is often finding himself in trouble and disagreeing with authority. I do agree that some teenagers are simply misunderstood. But I think the way they are misunderstood is that their parents are often too tentative to give their teenager another chance to be trusted. I also think there is a lot of poor communication between teen and parent. I think that is the other main reason for teenagers problems these days. I agree that teens in particular are often irresponsible and rebellious.

  4. I agree to a point that teenagers are rebellious and irresponsible. Everyone has their own opinion of what a deviant act is to make the teenager rebellious and irresponsible. I like how you added that Tessa and Anna just needed to spend a day in each others shoes. For adults, it has been so long since they were a teenager and they forget what it is like. To be reminded of how hard and stressful the teenage years can be could really help with the relationship of parents and their adolescents. And that goes the same with teenagers, they don't understand that the parents don't really remember what they are going through. So for Tessa and Anna so trade places helped them understand each others life and what they are going through.

  5. I agree that there is a lot of misunderstanding between parents and teenagers. Yes, parents were once teenagers and therefore they have a pretty good idea of what their children are going through, but society and technology have changed so much since then that parents can never completely understand some of the things that today's teenagers have to deal with (i.e. cyberbullying, etc.). Teenagers, on the other hand, have never had teenage children, and therefore cannot possibly understand the stress that goes along with having a child that’s in the process of becoming an adult and stretching their wings, and sometimes getting into big trouble while doing so. Not only that, but both parents and teens tend to assume that something’s going on in each other’s lives without really asking, which will just lead to more mistrust and misunderstanding.
